Apr 2024: A wide variety of devices are used for investigations in the multifaceted field of gemmology. These are used to test, examine and evaluate gemstones. Our experts know the complex application possibilities and demonstrate their expertise in new videos.
Video about the device set: Handheld spectroscope, Cold light source & Polarisation device
Spectroscopes allow the analysis of gemstones with the help of the light spectrum analysis. Absorption allows users to identify the elements which each stone is made of – in this way they can determine the quality and type of gemstones.
Our gemstone spectroscope in a set with stand and Cold light source has the high-intensity Amici straight prism (5 prisms), which shows a sharp spectrum.
With the Cold light source, it offers brightness control at a constant color temperature.
This video explains all the specialist information on correct use.
Would you like to read our technical articles on spectroscopy?
Examplesof good practise for various spectroscope applications, can be found in the article: Separating valuable rubies from spinels.
You can find background information on investigations using a spectroscope in the Spectroscopy methods article.
Bonus: The set includes a polarizer, analyzer and conoscope lens, so we also recommend the articles Polariscopy and Detecting gemstone imitationswith polariscopy.
Video film gemstone microscope: professional know-how for perfect use
Our gem microscopes are all high-quality stereo microscopes and have been specially designed to meet the needs of gemmologists. Equipped with special accessories, they are ideal for the precise investigation of minerals or for testing diamonds and colored stones.
The stereo zoom microscope with Swivelling arm offers maximum working distance and flexibility. It is ideal for viewing and precisely examining set gemstones and minerals or is suitable for microscope photography.
This video contains a lot of important information about the setup and use of the Swivelling arm microscope:
Background information on investigations using stereomicroscopes or immersion liquid can be found in the methods article Microscopy.
You can find practical examples in the articles: Using stereomicroscopes to examine inclusions (bright-field microscopy) and Applying dark-field microscopy
Gemstones in close-up with microscope photography
Whether monitor, TV, projector, tablet or smartphone: the image can be easily and securely transmitted to the desired display via the HDMI and WiFi interfaces of the MKTV8 microscope camera. With this camera it is also possible to create image and video files and save them directly to an SD card. Thanks to the standardized USB 3.0 interface and the C-mount thread, the MKTV8 microscope camera (successor to the MKTV5) can be connected to all commercially available microscopes, macroscopes, endoscopes and Objectives.
The camera comes with the MKTV display, a full HD display with brilliant image reproduction. Due to the direct mounting, the display and camera form an extremely space-saving unit.
More information about the possibilities of this special equipment can be found in this video (the MKTV5 now has an improved successor, the MKTV8 camera):
We think that anyone looking for information about our precise gemmological analyzers is in good hands on our video channel. In addition to important specialist know-how, we also present many valuable tips on a wide range of applications and examination methods.