Tweezers – application & use
The intended use influences the right choice for the shape of the forceps tip and what material the tweezer should have. But which tweezers are recommended for which areas of application?
The intended use influences the right choice for the shape of the forceps tip and what material the tweezer should have. But which tweezers are recommended for which areas of application?
This handy precision instruments are used to analyze, measure, examine and for view controll.
Along with diamonds, sapphires are among the most sought-after gemstones in the world. Their place of orgin is also important for determining the quality.
Polariscopes facilitate the rapid detection of common gemstone imitations, such as glasses or synthetic spinels.
The spinel is very often confounded with a ruby. The distinction is important because rubies have a much higher carat price in comparison.
A look through a color filter lets some stones appear in a different color and helps to confirm an initial suspicion of forgeries.
Diamond testing devices are used to quickly and easily distinguish diamonds from other natural stones and imitations.
Direction-dependent polychromy in gemstones can be examined with dichroscopes. In this way, for example, gemstone imitations can be identified.
By irradiating with a UV lamp, a large number of gemstones and ornamental stones can be checked simultaneously.
The observation of internal properties with special gemstone microscopes can be used to determine the quality and the place of orgin .
The refractive index can provide information about the quality and type of gemstone. Gemstone refractometers are part of the basic equipment for technical examinations.